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Introduction to Behavioural Finance: Decoding the Psychology of Financial Decision-Making

11 September 2023 5 min read
Introduction to Behavioural Finance: Decoding the Psychology of Financial Decision-Making

What is Behavioural Finance?

In the dynamic world of finance, understanding the psychology that drives our financial decisions can be a game-changer. Enter behavioural finance, a field that has revolutionised the way we perceive financial decision-making.
Traditionally, finance theories posited a ‘rational’ approach to financial decisions, a perspective that was fundamentally challenged by the first generation of behavioural finance, which labelled these decisions as ‘irrational’. However, as the field evolved, a second generation emerged, bringing a fresh perspective that recognised these decisions as ‘normal’, grounded in human psychology and inherent biases.
This shift from ‘irrational’ to ‘normal’ is not just a change in terminology but a paradigm shift in understanding human behaviour in financial contexts. It acknowledges the complex interplay of emotions, experiences, and psychology that guide our financial choices, steering away from a one-size-fits-all ‘rational’ approach to a more nuanced, realistic, and empathetic understanding of financial behaviours.

Why is Understanding Behavioural Finance Important?

Understanding behavioural finance is pivotal as it permeates every facet of financial planning, from investment and retirement planning to loan management and expense planning. It offers a lens to view financial decisions not as black and white, but as a spectrum of ‘normal’ behaviours influenced by a myriad of factors, helping individuals and advisors navigate the financial landscape with a more grounded, realistic approach.

Real-world Implications

Grasping the nuances of behavioural finance can significantly enhance financial planning and decision-making, helping individuals and financial advisors foster a more grounded and realistic approach to managing various financial aspects, from investments to retirement planning.

Section 1: What is Behavioural Finance?

Definition and Historical Background

Behavioural finance emerged in the late 1970s, challenging the traditional finance theories that championed ‘rational’ decision-making. It brought a fresh perspective, emphasising that the financial decisions people often make are ‘normal,’ stemming from inherent psychological biases.

The Shift from Traditional Finance Theories

This field marked a significant shift from the traditional finance theories, introducing a more humane approach to understanding financial decisions, recognising the ‘normalcy’ in the behavioural patterns that were earlier labelled as ‘irrational’.

Key Takeaways from Behavioural Finance Studies

Studies in this field have illuminated the complex interplay of psychology and finance, offering a more rounded understanding of financial markets and individual behaviour. Notable scholars like Daniel Kahneman have significantly contributed to this field, bringing to light the ‘normal’ patterns in financial decision-making (source).

Section 2: The Psychological Biases in Behavioural Finance

Introduction to Psychological Biases

Understanding the psychological biases that influence ‘normal’ financial decisions is central to behavioural finance. These biases, deeply rooted in human psychology, play a pivotal role in various financial planning components, including tax and retirement planning.

Common Biases

Loss Aversion: A tendency to prefer avoiding losses over acquiring equivalent gains, a bias that significantly influences investment and expense planning.

Herd Behaviour: Following the crowd, a common phenomenon observed in investment markets and goal planning.

Emotional Gap: Emotional factors can sometimes overshadow logical analysis, influencing decisions in loan and liability management.

The Science Behind Biases



Delving deeper into these biases offers a richer understanding of the financial decisions one makes, helping to navigate the financial landscape more prudently and realistically.

Section 3: Real-world Examples

Reddit, Gamestop, Robinhood, and Melvin Capital
The early 2021 saga involving Gamestop and Reddit offers a vivid illustration of herd behaviour, showcasing the substantial impact of collective ‘normal’ behavioural patterns on the financial markets.

Other Examples

Behavioural finance principles are not confined to investment planning but extend to broader financial spheres, influencing decisions in areas like expense planning and cash flow management.

The Housing Bubble
The 2008 housing bubble is a testament to the role of behavioural finance in real estate and loan management, where ‘normal’ behaviours led to a significant economic event.

The Dot-Com Bubble
The dot-com bubble of the late 1990s serves as another example, illustrating the influence of behavioural finance in investment planning and the broader economic landscape.

Section 4: How Behavioural Finance Affects You

Impact on Individual Investors

Understanding behavioural finance can aid individual investors in recognising their ‘normal’ biases, facilitating more grounded decisions in all aspects of financial planning, including tax and retirement planning.

Tips for Overcoming Biases

Navigating the financial landscape with awareness and prudence is essential. Here are some tips accompanied by real-life scenarios to help overcome the biases that often influence financial decisions:
Awareness of one’s biases: Before making any financial decision, it is crucial to pause and reflect on the inherent biases that might be influencing your choices. For instance, if you find yourself wanting to invest in a trending stock because everyone else is doing it, you might be succumbing to herd behaviour. Recognising this can help you make more informed decisions.

Seeking advice from a financial advisor: Sometimes, it is beneficial to seek a third-party perspective to avoid being swayed by emotions. For example, in the realm of retirement planning, an advisor can help you steer clear of over-optimism and set realistic savings goals.

Diversifying the investment portfolio to mitigate risks: Diversification is a well-trodden path to mitigating risks. For instance, if you are heavily invested in real estate, considering other avenues like mutual funds or bonds can be a wise decision to spread risk.

Regular reviews and adjustments of financial plans to stay aligned with one’s goals: Life is dynamic, and so are financial goals. Regular reviews can help in staying aligned with your objectives. For instance, a change in marital status or the birth of a child would necessitate a review of your insurance coverage and investment plans.

Creating an emergency fund: Life is full of uncertainties. Having an emergency fund can prevent you from taking impulsive financial decisions driven by stress during unforeseen events.

Educational workshops and seminars: Engaging in workshops can enhance your understanding and awareness of the financial landscape, helping you to make informed decisions. For instance, understanding the tax implications of various investments can aid in better tax planning.

Mindful spending: Being conscious of your spending habits can prevent falling into the trap of over-consumption. For example, differentiating between ‘wants’ and ‘needs’ can be a simple yet effective strategy in expense planning.

Personal Finance Management

Personal finance management tools that focus on understanding and guiding individuals in recognising their biases can be a great aid, helping to foster more realistic and grounded financial planning.

Section 5: Future of Behavioural Finance

Limitations and Future Scope

While behavioural finance offers a rich perspective on financial decision-making, it is a field still evolving. It holds a promising future, with a growing emphasis on understanding and integrating ‘normal’ behavioural patterns in financial planning and advisory services.

Growing Importance

The field is gradually gaining prominence, with educational institutions and financial advisory firms increasingly focusing on behavioural finance to foster a more realistic and grounded approach to financial planning and advisory services.


Understanding behavioural finance allows you to navigate the financial landscape with a more grounded perspective, recognising the ‘normal’ patterns in financial decision-making. It empowers individuals to make informed decisions, fostering financial well-being.

Please note,

The views in the article /blog are personal and that of the author. The idea is to create awareness and not intended to provide any product recommendations.


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Introduction to Behavioural Finance: Decoding the Psychology of Financial Decision-Making

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