Retirement Planning

Get Your Retirement Planning
Done for FREE

Emergency preparedness during retirement
Building steady retirement income
Strategic asset allocation for retirement
Saving on taxes during retirement
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What is Retirement Planning?

Planning for retirement involves taking steps now to ensure you can fulfil your future goals and aspirations independently. This process includes defining your retirement objectives, calculating the required financial resources, and investing in your retirement fund.

Since each retirement experience differs, you likely have particular visions for your post-work life. Therefore, having a personalised plan that caters to your unique retirement needs is crucial.

Calculate the amount you need for your ideal Retirement

How Much Do You Need to Save for Retirement?

The amount you need to save for retirement depends on several factors, including

Your desired retirement lifestyle and estimated expenses
Your retirement age and life expectancy
Expected inflation and rates of return on your investments
Other income sources like pensions, rental income, etc

Factors to Consider

Years to Retirement

The more time you have before retirement, the more your money can grow through compounding.

Expected Inflation

Inflation lowers the value of your money over time. Make sure to include it when planning your retirement expenses.

Life Expectancy

With longer lifespans, your retirement could span over 30 years. Plan adequately.

Healthcare Costs

Medical expenses typically rise as you get older. Be sure to plan for these costs and consider coverage for critical illnesses.

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How Can We Help You with Retirement Planning?

Emergency Preparedness
Retirement Income Streams
Strategic Asset Allocation
Tax-Efficient Retirement Strategies

Emergency Preparedness

We'll help you set up an emergency fund that includes a mix of easily accessible cash, short-term bonds, and other liquid assets. This ensures you're prepared for any unexpected expenses without disrupting your long-term investments, giving you peace of mind throughout your retirement.

What Stage Are You In?

Your retirement planning strategy should align with your current life stage and future goals.

Early Career (in your 20s)

Start saving and investing early to benefit from compound interest. Focus on growth investments like equities.

Mid-career (30-40)

Increase retirement contributions as your income grows. Diversify your portfolio and plan for major expenses, such as children's education.

Pre-retirement (40-60)

Maximise retirement contributions and shift to conservative investments. Estimate your retirement expenses and income needs.

Retirement (60+)

Create an income plan, manage expenses, and consider options like annuities. Optimise tax strategies to extend your savings.

Case Study

Mid-Career (30-40)
Pre-Retirement (40-60)
Retirement (60+)

Anil Kumar

38 Years Bangalore


Marketing Manager


₹30 lakh per year

Family Status

Married, with two daughters


Anil is focused on immediate financial needs and has not started planning for retirement.


Reviewed assets, liabilities, and expenses.

Defined retirement goals and timelines.

Created a diversified portfolio.

Implemented tax-efficient strategies.


Anil now has a clear retirement plan, balancing his current lifestyle and future security.

What Do You Get with 1 Finance?

At 1 Finance, we're committed to helping you achieve a secure and fulfilling retirement. Here's what you can expect from our comprehensive retirement planning services

Personalised Retirement Roadmap

Our Qualified Financial Advisors will work closely with you to create a customised plan that addresses your unique goals and financial situation.

Adaptable Planning

Life is unpredictable, and your retirement plan should be flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances. Our strategies are designed to evolve with you, ensuring that your plan remains relevant and effective as you transition through different stages of life.

Lifestyle-Centred Approach

Our approach incorporates your desired lifestyle, hobbies, travel plans, and other personal aspirations to create a plan that supports the retirement you envision.

Holistic Financial Wellness

Our holistic approach ensures that all aspects of your financial life are considered, from healthcare and emergency preparedness to estate planning and legacy goals. We will provide you with a comprehensive and cohesive retirement strategy that addresses every aspect of your financial well-being.

Be Retirement Ready with 1 Finance

With a well-crafted retirement plan, you can embrace your golden years with confidence and enjoy the lifestyle you have always dreamed of.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can 1 Finance help with retirement planning?
1 Finance provides personalised retirement planning advisory on building diverse income streams, optimising taxes, preparing for emergencies, and strategic asset allocation to ensure you have a stable and reliable financial foundation in retirement.
What factors should I consider when planning for retirement?
Key factors to consider include current expenses, retirement goals, healthcare costs, inflation, and income sources. 1 Finance helps you evaluate these factors to create a comprehensive retirement plan.
When should I start planning for retirement?
It’s never too early to start planning for retirement. The sooner you start, the more time you have to save and grow your investments, which can lead to a more comfortable and secure retirement.
What is included in a retirement plan from 1 Finance?
A retirement plan from 1 Finance includes a comprehensive financial assessment, investment strategy, tax planning, and regular reviews to keep your plan on track. We also include emergency preparedness during retirement.
How often should I review my retirement plan?
It's important to review your retirement plan regularly, at least annually, or whenever there are significant changes in your life circumstances. 1 Finance offers periodic reviews to ensure your plan remains aligned with your goals.
Can 1 Finance help if I am already retired?
Yes, 1 Finance can help both pre-retirees and retirees. We offer support for managing your retirement income, adjusting your plan as needed, and ensuring you continue to meet your financial goals during retirement.
How do I get started with retirement planning at 1 Finance?
You can book an appointment with one of our Qualified Financial Advisors through our website. During your consultation, we will discuss your goals, evaluate your current financial situation, and develop a personalised retirement plan.
What are the benefits of having a retirement plan?
A strategic retirement plan provides clarity on your financial goals, helps you manage risks, ensures a steady income during retirement, and gives you peace of mind knowing you are prepared for the future.
What if my retirement goals change over time?
It’s normal for retirement goals to evolve. 1 Finance offers adaptable planning strategies and regular reviews to ensure your retirement plan adjusts to any changes in your goals or circumstances.