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The Mutual Fund Portfolio Overlap Tool is designed to evaluate the degree of overlap among mutual funds in your portfolio. Overlap occurs when multiple funds invest in the same underlying securities, potentially leading to reduced diversification and heightened risk.

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Optimise Your Investments with the Mutual Fund Portfolio Overlap Tool

29 May 2024 3 min read
Optimise Your Investments with the Mutual Fund Portfolio Overlap Tool

Investing in mutual funds is a popular strategy for diversifying one’s portfolio and achieving financial goals. However, many investors inadvertently invest in multiple mutual fund schemes under the assumption of diversification, only to find that a significant overlap in holdings undermines this objective. The Mutual Fund Overlap Tool is designed to address this challenge, helping investors optimise their investments by identifying and comparing mutual fund overlaps. Here’s a detailed look at how this tool can benefit you.

Industry Insights

Understanding the landscape of mutual fund investments is crucial for making informed decisions. Here are some key industry insights:

Equity Assets Under Management (AUM): About 60% of the industry’s equity AUM is invested in the top 100 stocks.

Large-cap Category: The average mutual fund overlap between schemes in this category is around 47%, with some cases exceeding 60%.

ELSS Category: The average overlap is close to 30%, but can be as high as 60% to 80%.

Flexi-cap Category: The average overlap is about 25%, with some cases surpassing 50%.

These statistics highlight the potential for significant mutual fund overlap across various schemes, which can impact the overall diversification of an investment portfolio.

The Investor Challenge

Investors often face the challenge of over-diversification due to unintentional mutual fund overlaps in their holdings. This overlap means that different funds may hold the same stocks, leading to a concentration risk that contradicts the principle of diversification. The Mutual Fund Overlap Tool addresses this issue by providing a comprehensive analysis of portfolio overlaps.

Benefits of Using the Mutual Fund Overlap Tool

Informed Decisions: By using the tool, investors can avoid over-diversification and ensure their investments align with their financial goals. Understanding mutual fund overlaps allows for more strategic allocation of funds.

Cost Efficiency: Minimising mutual fund overlap helps reduce unnecessary expenses. Overlapping investments can lead to paying multiple management fees for essentially the same exposure, which this tool helps to avoid.

Risk Management: Identifying and managing concentration risks due to mutual fund overlaps is crucial for maintaining a balanced risk profile. This tool helps investors spread their risk more effectively.

Time Saving: The tool simplifies complex analysis and provides quick insights, saving investors the time and effort required to manually compare multiple portfolios for mutual fund overlap.

Tool Offering Comprehensive Analysis

The Mutual Fund Overlap Tool provides a detailed comparison of mutual fund schemes, enabling investors to:

Compare Portfolios: Evaluate the portfolios of different mutual fund schemes to identify overlaps.

Highlight Top Stocks: Identify the top 5 stocks with the highest weightage in each scheme.

Identify Overlap: Determine the extent of mutual fund overlap across all schemes in the portfolio.

This comprehensive analysis is crucial for making well-informed investment decisions.

Case Study

Consider a case where an investor holds two mutual fund schemes: Aditya Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity Fund and Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity Fund. The Mutual Fund Overlap Tool reveals a 69% mutual fund overlap between these two schemes. This high level of overlap indicates that the investor’s portfolio may not be as diversified as intended, leading to potential concentration risks and inefficiencies.


The Mutual Fund Overlap Tool is an invaluable resource for investors seeking to optimise their mutual fund portfolios. By providing insights into mutual fund overlaps, the tool helps investors make informed decisions, improve cost efficiency, manage risk, and save time. Understanding and managing mutual fund overlap is essential for achieving true diversification and aligning investments with financial goals.

For any investor looking to refine their portfolio strategy, the Mutual Fund Overlap Tool offers a clear path to more effective and strategic investment management. Embrace this tool to ensure your investments are working as hard as you are towards your financial future.

Please note,

The views in the article /blog are personal and that of the author. The idea is to create awareness and not intended to provide any product recommendations.


Mutual Fund Overlap Calculator

The Mutual Fund Portfolio Overlap Tool is designed to evaluate the degree of overlap among mutual funds in your portfolio. Overlap occurs when multiple funds invest in the same underlying securities, potentially leading to reduced diversification and heightened risk.

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Optimise Your Investments with the Mutual Fund Portfolio Overlap Tool
