
Term Insurance Scoring and Ranking

A scoring system built to provide you with a comprehensive view of your term insurance plan

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Gender:Malelanding-page-edit-iconlanding-page-edit-icon Age Group :30-34landing-page-edit-iconlanding-page-edit-icon Sum Assured :₹ 1Cr

Best Term Insurance Plans

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1 Finance Score (High - Low)

What is 1 Finance Score?
The 1 Finance Score is a weighted average based on financial ratios, product features, price, claims experience and brand existence. Each main parameter is further divided into sub-parameters with designated weights. All funds receive a rating on a scale from 0 to 100. This methodology eliminates subpar choices, thereby facilitating improved decision-making and the assessment of existing policy evaluation.
Scoring Parameters
Our scoring model utilises algorithms to evaluate various aspects of term insurance plans based on different parameters. It then assigns a score to each plan to gauge its overall value.

Our Parameters

Claims ExperiencetoggleIcon

We assess the insurer's claim payout history. It considers Claims Settlement Ratio (CSR), average claim settlement time, and number of complaints per 10,000 claims registered.

Product FeaturestoggleIcon

We consider the value and benefits you can derive from the policy — and how these can align with your requirements. The policy with the most features is scored 100, based on an average of sub-parameters like length of the policy term, the amount of coverage, additional riders and flexible payment option.

Financial RatiotoggleIcon

It evaluates the insurance company's financial stability. Key metrics include solvency ratio, persistency ratio by number, commission ratio.


We take into account your predisposition to be price-sensitive and the need for the policy premium to be affordable and offer value for money. The most expensive product is scored 0 and the lowest priced is scored 100. A relative pricing method is considered.

Brand ExistencetoggleIcon

We consider an insurance company's longevity or existence in the market as a measure of its brand strength, stability, and reputation.

Our Methodologysort-by
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the objective of 1 Finance’s term insurance scoring and ranking?toggleIcon
Our term insurance scoring model aims to provide an objective, transparent, and simplified evaluation of term insurance plans. By doing so, we aim to empower individuals with the information they need to make informed decisions and select the term insurance plan that best meets their needs.
How does 1 Finance's term insurance scoring and ranking differ from others?toggleIcon
1 Finance takes a comprehensive approach to term insurance evaluation. Our scoring model takes into account a wide range of factors beyond a single numeric ranking, offering a balanced assessment of each plan's overall suitability and value. We recognise that term insurance is vital for financial security and maintaining one's standard of living.
How can the term insurance scoring and ranking information benefit me?toggleIcon
Term insurance scoring and ranking information is beneficial for both current policyholders and those buying insurance for the first time. It assists policyholders in assessing insurance plans by considering factors such as age, gender, sum assured, and smoking preferences, helping them determine if the plan offers good value for their money.
How frequently is the term insurance scoring and ranking model reviewed?toggleIcon
At 1 Finance, we are committed to continuous improvement and staying up-to-date with the evolving term insurance landscape. We review and update our evaluation criteria and metrics every six months to ensure their relevance and reflect individuals' changing needs and priorities. This ensures that our scoring and ranking model remains comprehensive and effective.
Can I customise the criteria used in the term insurance scoring and ranking model?toggleIcon

Yes, you can easily customise the search criteria used in the term insurance scoring and ranking model

Utilise the search bar to directly look for the particular term insurance plan you have in mind. Additionally, you can fine-tune details such as gender, age group, and sum assured search criteria to tailor the results to your preferences.

his enables you to assess how well the plan fits your needs. Furthermore, you can explore our thoughtfully curated Featured List, which includes plans with scores exceeding 75.

How can I use the term insurance scoring and ranking model to make an informed decision about my insurance coverage?toggleIcon

Our term insurance scoring and ranking model is designed to empower individuals like you in making informed decisions about your insurance coverage. Here's how you can utilise the model to your advantage:

  • On the 1 Finance website, click on the 'Scoring & Ranking' page.
  • Use the search bar to find your policy.
  • Dive into plan details, considering financial ratios and product features.

Remember, the term insurance scoring and ranking model serves as a valuable search engine for evaluating your policy.

What if my term insurance policy is not listed in the scoring and ranking?toggleIcon

While we strive to include a wide range of policies in our evaluation, it is possible that some policies may not be included due to their non-availability of sufficient information or popularity in the online marketplace.

Nonetheless, we consistently update and expand our list to ensure it remains comprehensive and reflective of the available options.


1 Finance Private Limited is not regulated by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) and has no alliance or association with any Insurance companies. The Information contained above in the scoring and ranking model is provided solely for general interest, educational and informational purposes only and may not constitute any kind of advice.

The information for this report was compiled using information from insurance company websites, product brochures, policy wordings, IRDA Annual Reports, and publicly available data. Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. It’s important to conduct your own research and analysis before making any financial decisions. If you're unclear about what to do, we advise consulting with an impartial advisor.

Our Methodology

Assumptions we considered

Sum AssuredtoggleIcon

In our evaluation process, we have considered the following sum assured ranges:

Sum Assured
₹ 50L
₹ 1Cr
₹ 2Cr
₹ 3Cr
₹ 4Cr
₹ 5Cr

The price varies depending on the gender, age, sum assured, and smoking preferences.


The boundary age range are:

Age RangeLowest Age Considered for Premium (Years)
25 - 2925
30 - 3430
35 - 3935
40 - 4440
45 - 4945
50 - 5450
55 - 6055

The age slab is provided for the user's convenience only.


Non-smoker premium rates are considered.


The prices within each category or persona are then normalised using a relative pricing method.


The prices are graded and assigned a score between 0 and 100. The items priced low (highest scoring) to those priced high (lowest scoring) within the given category are the basis for scoring.

Financial Ratios

Solvency RatiotoggleIcon

Assesses long-term financial capability.

Persistency Ratio by Number (13th and 61st Month)toggleIcon

Measures policyholder retention rate.

Commission RatiotoggleIcon

Considers the percentage paid as commissions, which is a part of management expenses and is typically included in premium pricing.

Product Features

Policy TenuretoggleIcon

If you are aged between 25 - 45: Policy Tenure is calculated as 65 years minus the current age.


If you are aged between 50 - 60: Policy Tenure is calculated as 85 years minus the current age.

Cover Up To Age (A)Current Age (B)Policy Tenure (A-B)

Death Payout CustomisationtoggleIcon

We take into account the death payout options available. The policy with the most alternatives is given the highest score. The flexible options available could be Lumpsum, Monthly or Both.

Premium Payment ModetoggleIcon

We've considered the options available for payment modes i.e, Regular, Limited and Single Pay. The greater the number of payment options offered, the greater the flexibility afforded.

Premium Payment FrequencytoggleIcon

We've considered premium payment flexibility when scoring your term insurance policy. The more the number of payment frequency, the better it is in terms of flexibility provided. Frequency considered for premium payment - Annual, Half-yearly, Quarterly, Monthly.

Maximum Maturity AgetoggleIcon

We've looked at the policy's maximum maturity age, considering the longest term available, as we understand the varied needs and preferences of users. Some adopt an approach of leaving a financial legacy through life insurance and some may restrict it to their retirement age (60-65 years). We have assumed a higher maximum maturity age means you'll receive a higher score.


The waiver of premium on critical illness and the accidental disability benefit rider is only considered. The whole idea of evaluating the rider revolves around the merit of the premium holiday it provides should the unforeseen event so arises.

Claims Experience

Claims Settlement Ratio (CSR)toggleIcon

The CSR measures the number of claims and the amount settled by the insurance company against the total claims made.


The CSR shows the goodwill of the company with regard to paying its claims. A high CSR is desirable.


This information is taken from the IRDAI Annual report 2022-23.

Ageing of Claims (AOC)toggleIcon

We analyse the average age of claims and the corresponding payout amounts, broken down by time periods: less than three months, six months, twelve months, and over twelve months.

This information is taken from the IRDAI Annual report 2022-23.

Get to know your policy better

Product scoring may vary based on gender, age, policy tenure and sum assured.



Age Group

The lowest age in the selected range is considered for price evaluation (e.g., 25 - 29)

30 - 34

Sum Assured

₹ 1Cr

Edit Details

Product scoring may vary based on gender, age, policy tenure and sum assured.



Age Group

The lowest age in the selected range is considered for price evaluation (e.g., 25 - 29)

30 - 34

Sum Assured

₹ 1Cr